List of toxic household items for your pets
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ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center Phone Number: (888) 426-4435
For a complete list of pet toxins and additional information:
Each year thousands of dogs and cats suffer from accidental ingestion of household poisons. As a pet owner, you should be aware of the common household items such as foods, medications, chemicals, and plants that can harm your pet if ingested. You should also know how to poison proof your home, and be able to recognize the signs and symptoms of animal poisoning.
* Acetaminophen, which is found in Tylenol and other medications
* Batteries can be toxic to both dogs and cats, leading to ulcers in the mouth, esophagus and stomach
* Chocolate can cause seizures and death in dogs and cats
* Detergents and fabric softener sheets can cause ulcers in the mouth, esophagus and stomach
* Ethylene glycol is found in antifreeze
* Fertilizers can contain poisonous amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, iron, zinc, herbicides and pesticides.
* Grapes, raisins and currants — even grape juice — in small amounts
* Household cleaners, such as bleach, drain cleaners, ammonia and toilet bowl cleaners
* Insecticides in flea and tick products
* Jimson weed, also known as devil’s trumpet
* Kerosene, gasoline and tiki torch fluids
* Lilies, Easter, day, tiger, Japanese and Asiatic varieties
* Mothballs, especially if they contain naphthalene
* Nonprescription medications, such as ibuprofen
* Onions, garlic, leeks and chives
* Prescription medications, such as antidepressants and ADHD and cardiac drugs, are commonly ingested by pets when pills are dropped on the floor or left on counters
* Queensland nuts, also known as macadamia nuts
* Rodenticides, such as mouse and rat poisons
* Sago palms, are one of a number of toxic plants for dogs and cats
* Tobacco, can be toxic to both dogs and cats
* Unbaked bread dough can expand in the stomach
* Veterinary prescriptions, such as arthritis medications, are often meat-flavored, which can be enticing to dogs. Ingestion of large quantities can result in stomach ulcers, liver failure or kidney failure
* Windshield wiper fluid can contain methanol or ethylene glycol
* Xylitol is a sugar-free sweetener commonly found in chewing gum, breath mints and toothpaste
* Yard products, including snail and slug bait, herbicides and fertilizers
* Zinc toxicity can happen when dogs and cats eat metal or coins.
If you suspect that your pet ingested any item on this list, immediately call your veterinarian and/or take to the emergency veterinary hospital.